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[Discord: tayszn_ / Roblox Username: 26k_jjaybo / Character Name: Dennis Washington]

Won't Settle For Less

User name: Won't Settle For Less

Player/Character Name you're reporting Discord: tayszn_ / Roblox Username: 26k_jjaybo / Character Name: Dennis Washington

Your Roblox Username Juhqnn

Your Discord Username juhg

Date And Time of Incident Jun 18, 2024

In-game Character Name Antwan Carter

Witnesses N/A

Rule(s) Broken Valuing Life , Common Courtesy

How was this rule broken? Lets get straight into this, Juhg here. So I was driving around and spotted a male, I then asked him if he wanted any work. He told me he already had what I was offering and then he also said other drugs which got me interested. He said he had kool-aid (a drug my character revolves around) and za. He then through me a price for cheap, which made me assume he had the product in bulk. I then told the male to get in the car with the intentions of taking him somewhere and robbing him, he refused. I then told the male to wait where he was at and that I was going to the ATM to retrieve the cash to purchase the drugs which was I lie. I ended driving to the clothing store to mask up and drove back to the location. I then hopped out of the car blazing my firearm to the male's face telling him to get in the vehicle and he instantly went OOC saying "afk." Common Courtesy, "being Away From Keyboard during a roleplay situation." So I then told the male to get in the car once more and gave him a set amount of time. He then began counting down showing no regards for his life....... I then did what I had to do. I feel due to this situation someone like this shouldn't deserver to play the server and is just in the way of the actual people here to roleplay.

Evidence The male clearly showing no regards for the server and showing hes not here to roleplay:

3 minute video of the scene: https://youtu.be/8xIAxdphXg8